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Разбор варианта ФИПИ 2024 ЕГЭ по английскому. Задание 37 на письмо.

Для задания 37 демонстрационного варианта ФИПИ 2024 ЕГЭ по английскому мы приводим типовое письмо. В нем мы отвечаем на заданные вопросы и задаем свои.

You have received an email message from your English-speaking pen-friend Kevin: 

From: Kevin@mail.uk 

To: Russian_friend@ege.ru 

Subject: Reading preferences

…Last week I went to a book festival. It was fantastic! We spent two hours looking through new books and talking to authors. What is the last book you’ve read? What books do you have to read for your literature classes? How often do you spend time reading a book for pleasure? 

I saw an interesting film in Spanish last week… 


Write an email to Kevin.

In your message:

– answer his questions; 
– ask 3 questions about the film.

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of email writing.


Типовой ответ.

Hi, Kevin!

It's great that you attended the book festival. It's a wonderful opportunity to hear writers talk about their books and get an autograph.

I can't say I'm a bookworm, but in my free time I like to open my favorite book and immerse myself in the world of literature. The last book I read was the final novel in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. But in literature classes we rarely read modern books; teachers want to instill in us a love for classic Russian literature. I usually read at the weekends, when I don't have to do my homework.

Were there any unpredictable plot twists in the Spanish movie you saw? When was this movie made? Do you think this Spanish movie could have won an Oscar?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you,


(139 words)


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