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Тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ по английскому. Задания 30-36 на выбор слова. Вариант 5

В этом варианте заданий 30-36 ЕГЭ по английскому дается текст, посвященный древнекитайскому философу Конфуцию, его идеям и значении для Китая. Из четырех вариантов слов в пропуск необходимо подставить тот, который единственный хорошо подходит лексически. К заданиям даются ответы, а также подробный разбор.

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными буквами A–G. Эти буквы соответствуют заданиям A-G, в которых представлены возможные варианты ответов. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.


Confucius was a philosopher of ancient China. He lived 2500 years ago and was A) ______ understood during his lifetime, but later his writings influenced the worldview not only of China, but in a sense of the whole of Asia. B) ______ speaking, Confucius' ideas are not a religion. C) ______, it is a system of moral precepts, the adherence to which should make a person worthy and noble. However, no strictly structured writings remain of Confucius. All that historians have today are scattered sayings recorded by his disciples. This, however, is quite enough to understand the essence of the philosopher's views.

At the center of Confucius's teachings are the virtues, and the chief among them is often called humanity. It is very difficult to translate this word accurately from Chinese. In translating it into European languages the words love, beneficence, mercy, compassion and others have been D) ______. Nevertheless, Confucius' concept of this virtue is much broader. Humanity is the ideal of a citizen who lives in society and loves other people, but not with abstract love, but as a person. E) ______ such an ideal is very difficult. It requires one to choose the path of moral service and to devote one's life to study.

Several hundred years after Confucius' death, his F) ______ became the basis of the state system of united China. Moreover, to this day Confucianism is in fact the spiritual pillar of the country. Neither Christianity nor even Buddhism has been able to find such deep roots in the minds of the Chinese. Confucius was the first teacher of China. He wanted to revive the golden age of antiquity, but in fact G) ______ to be a progressive who put government on a rational rather than a mystical basis.

A. 1) miserably 2) poorly 3) rarely 4) shortly
B. 1) strongly 2) hardly 3) heavily 4) strictly
C. 1) In addition 2) Otherwise 3) Sooner 4) Rather
D. 1) suggested 2) submitted 3) allowed 4) set
E. 1) getting 2) acquiring 3) achieving 4) capturing
F. 1) teachings 2) makings 3) exercises 4) studies
G. 1) turned up 2) turned in 3) turned off 4) turned out



















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