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Тренировочные задания ЕГЭ по английскому. Задания 12-18 на вопросы по тексту. Вариант 1

В этом тренировочном варианте заданий 12-18 ЕГЭ по английскому необходимо прочитать текст и выбрать одно из четырех утверждений в качестве ответа на вопросы. Текст посвящен подростку, который мечтает о том, чтобы родители купили ему новый компьютер для занятий 3D моделированием.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания A-G. В каждом задании запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.

A new computer.

I have wanted my parents to buy me a new computer for a long time. The one I have now is too old and no longer able to cope with my tasks. My mom thinks I need a new computer to play games, but I don't. I think games are a waste of time. I would really like to do 3D modeling, but you need a powerful modern processor for those programs. My current computer was bought 10 years ago and is too slow.

My dad bought this computer for himself when I was 5 years old. He needed it to write emails to his friends. Back then, in 2000, the Internet was becoming more and more popular. More and more people were using the World Wide Web to communicate. The Internet was amazing; anyone could instantly send a letter anywhere in the world. If such a letter had been sent by regular mail, it could have taken weeks to deliver. I, too, think the Internet is an amazing invention.

Now my dad has given up the computer because he can use the mobile Internet on his phone to keep in touch with his colleagues and friends. While he used to admire the idea of the Internet, today he looks at it with doubt. In his opinion, the Internet has become a dumping ground for useless information. Websites are overflowing with jokes and funny stories and it seems that people have become very stupid because of this. I don't agree with him because not all people are interested in jokes. I, for example, visit Internet encyclopedia sites in search of scientific information.

My parents agree to buy me a new computer, but they lay down conditions. I must get good grades in school in all subjects. It would seem that there is nothing difficult about it, you just need to spend more time studying. But, unfortunately, in my case it all comes down to lack of interest in some subjects. In mathematics and physics I am an excellent student, because it is interesting to me, but literature and history make me yawn. I find it very difficult to force myself to open a textbook, if I have no interest in the subject. But my mother believes that a person should be equally well educated in everything.

I understand that she only wishes me well. She thinks that a person who understands history and literature is more likely to get a good job. I don't understand her. How will knowing Ancient Egyptian history help me in 3D modeling cartoon characters? In my opinion, to be successful in this field, I have to be good at computer programs.

Some of my friends have new computers. They invited me to visit them to play modern shooters together. In these games you collect different weapons and shoot monsters. But I'm not interested in playing, I'd rather make these games myself. I like to create something new, make up images, model objects. My friends are not like that. They spend too much time playing games, and that's probably why they don't do well in school.

I try to help my parents and prove in this way that grades in school are not the main thing. I may not be good at history and literature, but I regularly clean my room, walk the dog, help my little brother with his homework, and wash the dishes after dinner. Most importantly, I don't waste time. If I had a son like that, I would definitely buy him a new computer. I view 3D modeling not as entertainment, but as a future profession. And the new computer for me is not a toy, but a working tool.

A) The author wants a new computer:

1. because he wants to play games.
2. because the old computer broke down 10 years ago.
3. because modern programs don't run well on the old computer.
4. because working on an old computer is a waste of time.

B) The main point of paragraph 2 is that:

1. dad gave the computer to his 5-year-old son.
2. no one sends letters by ordinary mail anymore.
3. the Internet is more popular today than it was 10 years ago.
4. the author shares his father's point of view that the Internet is an amazing invention.

C) Which statement about the Internet is true in paragraph 3?

1. Dad thinks children who play games on the Internet are useless.
2. Dad has abandoned the computer because he doesn't need the Internet anymore.
3. Dad doesn't like the Internet anymore because the information on the Internet is useless.
4. Daddy regrets that no one searches the Internet for scientific information.

D) Talking about school, the author claims that:

1. he is good only at the subjects he is interested in.
2. his parents will under no circumstances buy him a new computer until he finishes school.
3. he adores history and literature, but has difficulty studying them.
4. his mother thinks students should know literature and history well.

E) What is the author's opinion when he talks about his future job?

1. Getting a good job requires a good knowledge of all school subjects.
2. He doesn't understand those who claim that 3D designers need to know history well.
3. He is ready to argue with his mother, who does not understand his desires for his future profession.
4. He is ready to study more to get a good job.

F) What does the author say about his friends?

1. He is jealous of them because they have new computers.
2. Computer games allow them to do better in school.
3. He thinks shooters are stupid games.
4. He considers himself a creative person, unlike his friends.

G) In the last paragraph, the author states that:

1. he actually deserves a new computer.
2. he regrets that he has bad grades at school.
3. he does his homework because his parents demand it.
4. he thinks that homework is a waste of time.



















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