Тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ по английскому. Задание 1 по аудированию на соответствие высказываний и утверждений. Вариант 3
17 July 2024
В варианте 3 тренировочного задания 1 ЕГЭ по английскому необходимо прослушать 6 высказываний и выбрать относящиеся к ним утверждения. Это задание направлено на проверку навыков восприятия английской речи на слух. К аудиозаписи дается расшифровка, а к заданиям - ответы.
Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A–F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1–7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы можете прослушать запись не более двух раз. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.
1) There is no need to strive for higher education. 2) Anyone can be taught if you find the right approach. 3) It is unfair that some people find it easier to study. 4) The main thing is to choose a profession to your liking. 5) You can always succeed if you work hard. 6) It is more difficult for young people without abilities to succeed. 7) It is useless to teach someone who has no ability.
Расшифровка аудиозаписи / Audioscript
Speaker A.
Some people argue that our success is determined by the talents we have from birth. Therefore, it is useless to try to learn a profession if you have no aptitude for it. I cannot say that I share this point of view. In my opinion, if you make efforts, you can always achieve good results. I for example have always been bad at math. But as a result of many years of study, I managed to enter university, graduate and become an engineer. I agree that the studies were more difficult for me than for my classmates, but if you make efforts, you can learn even the most difficult sciences.
Speaker B.
I always dreamed of being a programmer, that's why I've been working hard on math since I was a child. Unfortunately, I never made friends with the world of mathematical formulas and equations. Day and night I sat over my textbooks, but my grades in school remained bad. It seems that I have to admit that I have no abilities and there is no chance I can become a programmer. But I don't understand why the world is like this. All my classmates understand math perfectly. They memorize everything at lessons and they don't even need to open their textbooks at home to do their homework. Why do I read the textbook five times and memorize nothing? I have no explanation for this, only anger.
Speaker C.
We live in the modern world and we want to be modern people. We see that everything around us revolves around the Internet and information technology. That's why many of my classmates want to become programmers. I don't understand this. In my opinion, any profession requires talent and abilities. And if you don't have them, you start blaming the world for injustice, seeing how others succeed. I believe that it is not necessary to follow fashion foolishly. The main thing is to understand what you want yourself, because the favorite occupation can be different. It may seem strange to some, but I've always wanted to be a gardener. And don't try to change my mind, I know exactly what I want to do.
Speaker D.
Today, thousands of young people sit over their textbooks and take extra classes, hoping to get into a prestigious university. Maybe it's unfair, but the number of places in universities is notoriously limited. However, I don't understand why you have to work so hard if you can't do science. You just have to recognize that everything depends on your abilities, and if you don't have them, it's better not to waste your time studying. You can sit for hundreds of hours trying to understand math or physics, but if you can't, it should be obvious that that it’s your problem, you can't blame the teacher or the textbook. No teacher can develop talent if it is simply not there. Therefore, it is better for such young people to stop dreaming of a higher education and look for a non-intellectual job.
Speaker E.
I know many young people who envy those who have an easy time studying. They often think the world is unfair. Maybe it is really useless to educate someone who has no ability. However, I propose to look at it from a different perspective. I am convinced that it is not only what a teacher explains in class is important. It is also important how he or she does it. There are many ways to explain a topic in math or physics to a student. But the main thing is to choose the right method. The problem with modern education is that it is standardized for everyone. However, if individualized teaching methods could be developed, even those who seem to have no aptitude could be taught.
Speaker F.
It is no secret that today almost all young people want to get a higher education. Regardless of whether they have abilities or not, they study day and night. I don't even want to raise the question of whether it makes sense to educate people without ability. My point is that higher education has become just a fashion. However, in today's world, it is completely unnecessary to have a university degree to earn good money. A good carpenter or welder earns as much as a dentist. If you don't have aptitude, you don't need to try to find some special approach to studying. You should first ask yourself why you should spend five years at university.