Тренировочные варианты ЕГЭ по английскому. Задание 2 по аудированию на соответствие утверждений содержанию текста. Вариант 1
23 June 2024
В варианте 1 задания 2 ЕГЭ по английскому необходимо прослушать диалог и определить соответствие утверждений тексту. Утверждения могут быть верными, ложными, а также ни верными и ни ложными. В варианте 1 два недавних выпускника встречаются через год после экзаменов и рассказывают о работе, которую они нашли. К аудиозаписи дана расшифровка, а к заданиям ответы.
Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А–G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated). Занесите номер выбранного Вами варианта ответа в таблицу. Вы можете прослушать запись не более двух раз.
A) Linda's coworkers immediately recognized her programming skills. B) Jack believes that female programmers are equal in ability to male programmers. C) Meetings with the chemists are often held in Jack’s office. D) Jack is surprised at the type of games Linda is developing. E) Linda is convinced that her company's games have a lot to love for. F) Linda doesn’t like very expensive games with high quality graphics. G) Linda is ready to persuade Jack that computer games can be useful.
Соответствие диалогу
Расшифровка аудиозаписи / Audioscript
Jack: Hi, Linda! How are you doing? I haven't seen you in a year since we took our final exams. Linda: Hi, Jack! Yeah, it was a tough exam, but we studied hard, so it went well. I now work for a small company that develops computer games. Of course, they were very surprised when I joined them. They obviously didn't expect their new programmer to be a girl. Jack: Yes, this profession used to be considered exclusively male, but times are changing. I got a job too. I am now an employee in an IT firm that improves artificial intelligence algorithms. We have female programmers, too. Linda: In my company I was not taken seriously at first, but now I am a real member of the programming team and I am often given responsible tasks. I love my job. Developing computer games requires knowledge of not only math, but also creative thinking. I've always enjoyed coming up with something new. Jack: I'm very happy for you! I believe that female programmers are no worse than male programmers. The main thing is that we are a team and we work together. Linda: Artificial intelligence can be applied in many areas. What exactly are you working on? Jack: We're working with a pharmaceutical company. They synthesize dozens of new chemical molecules every day that could become drugs. It takes a lot of labor, and you have to wait a long time for results. For our part, we are developing an artificial intelligence algorithm that should simplify the search for new molecules. Then the pharmaceutical company will be able to find the right chemical formula faster. Linda: So your company also employs chemists? Jack: We are an IT company, but chemists from the pharmaceutical company advise us. Linda: Do they come to your office? Jack: No, all of our work with them is done remotely. Linda: We in the company also work remotely, but we meet in the same room a couple times a week to discuss our accomplishments and also to formulate work goals. Jack: What kind of games do you develop? Linda: They are logic games where you have to solve different problems. There are a lot of companies with hundreds of employees that produce very expensive games with high quality graphics. But we are a small company, and we have other tasks. We offer games not for the eyes, but for the brains. Jack: That's very interesting. Do you think your games will be popular? Linda: My company already has good experience and successful games. Most players appreciate the energy and graphics, but there are many who value originality more. Our games are unlike anything else, and a lot of people appreciate that. Jack: As far as I can tell, you're very happy with your work. Linda: Yes, I love it. Many people think that computer games are a waste of time, but we want to show that these games can be educational and useful. Jack: To be honest, I haven't played computer games for a long time. In my opinion, they can't teach anything, they are just useless entertainment. Linda: Why don't we meet sometime and I'll show you our games? Jack: Good idea! This weekend? Linda: Sure! I have to go now. Bye, Jack! Jack: See you this weekend, Linda!